Fjärilsmal har upptäckts på vinden och därför kommer samtliga förråd (även i källaren) att saneras. Vi har agerat så snart vi kunnat efter att vi fått information om detta angrepp.
Har du på senare tid tagit något från ditt förråd till lägenheten (framför allt gäller detta från vindsförråd) måste du noggrant kontrollera om du tror att även detta är angripet av mal och i så fall kontakta Kundtjänst hos skadesaneraren Nomor. Telefon: 0771-122 300.
Läs noggrant igenom informationen från skadesaneraren Nomor nedan och kontakta Marko Bogdanovic, telefon 070- 750 73 06, eller Tommy Lindström, telefon
070- 312 96 00, om ni har frågor.
Translation of the information from Nomor is to be found below.

Detailed information in English regarding the decontamination of moths (translation of the Swedish information from Nomor).
This applies to everyone who has attic- and/or basement storage in Nybodagatan 10 & 12. The following rules of conduct must be followed to get the best results possible.
- Go through all the boxes, sacks, rolled up carpets, cabinets etc. to look for the source of the moths.
- Textiles should be taken outdoors, shaken properly and then put in airtight plastic boxes / bags.
- You can also vacuum clean and wash textiles in at least 60 degrees and put in airtight plastic boxes / bags, but be careful not to mix washed clothes with unwashed.
- Carpets should be whipped and shaken outdoors, or left on dry cleaning and then wrapped in plastic.
- Boxes containing books, decorations etc. should be left open.
- No property can be brought back into the apartment before sanitation has been fulfilled.
- After decontamination, no sealed items can be opened indoors, only outdoors.
- It needs to be easily accessible for the technician to sanitate, which means that the passages must be free from things.
The decontamination work will take place on June 17th between 08.00-12.00. After the sanitation, attic and basement will be off limit for 24 hours.
Thank you for your cooperation!
/The Board